Saturday 12 May 2012

Baby's shopping

Went shopping with Mum last Sunday and got baby's first official set of clothes, along with a Johnsons bath set! They're sooo cute! It was hard to find neutral stuff that would work for boys/girls (we ended up buying some yellow and white stuff which was actually for boys :p) but I love all of them... can't wait to dress baby in them inshaAllah!

Monday 30 April 2012

Food glorious food!

Some of the foods I have been munching :-)

Yoghurt, bananas, honey, nuts this is YUM
Chicken cottage!!!

Halwa and paratha mum made!

Fruit salad

Jacket Potato - at a cafe near work

Cadburys choc & Vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce

Choc fudge sundae thing from M&S
Pizza, wedges and curly fries

Friday 27 April 2012

Almost 6 months...

This week I have had a really bad cough and infection in my right eye (conjuctivitis). The pharmacist said I can't take any cold medication and gave me some glycerin which will only soothe it but not cure. I'm so glad it's Friday today!!! I have 4 weeks left at work until maternity leave :D Some pregnancy points this week: 

1) I am super hungry these days, it is like my hunger levels have quadrupled! It seems I am forever in Tesco/Boots buying food and having to think ahead about situations where I may need to stock up on food beforehand eg the train ride home. But funnily enough although I eat a lot during the day, during the evening I don't have that eating urge and so after dinner i don't eat and just go to bed! 

2) Baby's movements have changed this week! I noticed I have been having different feelings of movement (not kicks). I wonder if they are hiccups?? Not sure what those feel like yet! I only got those signature kicks last night as I was reciting Surah Mulk before bed! 

3) Pelvic pain!! My God this is painful! It seems to have increased, I guess due to the baby growing and putting more pressure on everything. 

4) Bump size has only slightly increased in the last month! Although this is a blessing in disguise as I can sleep comfortably for a little while longer! 

5) Leg cramps waking me up in the night! Excruciating! But anything's better than being sick. (although I have stopped being sick since about 16 weeks, I had it once again at 21 weeks!) 

So I am 25 weeks now mashaAllah and despite aches and pains it's a big blessing :-) Apparently around
this stage the baby's eyes may open and it is practicing 'breathing' amniotic fluid through its lungs. It's really amazing. 3D scan is booked for 10th JUNE Inshallah, can't wait!!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Hungry 24/7!

What I ate yesterday:

7.40am 2 toast butter n jam
10am Banana
1pm Crisps
1.30pm Spinach n ricotta Cannelloni
2pm Egg sandwiches
3pm Choc fudge dessert
6pm Cheese sandwiches
6pm Fruit corner yogurt
8pm Chicken Salan and rice
10pm Carrot cake


7.40am Cornflakes
10am Banana
1pm Four cheese ravioli
1.30pm 2x slices carrot cake
2pm Apple
3pm Crisps
5pm Peach yogurt
6pm Cheese sandwiches
8pm Dinner???

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Introducing the Quran to Baby...

I started reciting the Quran when I was 21+3 days... on the 31st of March. Had been reading it on and off before but now I am going to inshallah read it everyday, all the way through by the time the baby is due.

The baby can hear from around 3 months and becomes familiarised with the mother's voice, which travels to it as sound waves. So what better to read to it than the calming and tranquil Quran! It is especially nice at Fajr time when it is quiet and there are no distractions!

I also need to learn a dua from Surah al Imran, which Maryam's (r.a) mother made when she was expecting:

Behold! a woman of 'Imran said: 'O my Lord! I do dedicate unto You what is in my womb for Your special service: So accept this of me: For You hear and know all things.'” [3:35]
Another dua I really love from the Quran:
Our Lord! Bestow on us from our spouses and our offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders for the Muttaqun" (25:74)
I hope and pray that our child will have the best in this life and the next and be a coolness to our eyes, ameen.

Moses Basket

Baby's third purchase: The moses basket from Mamas & Papas! Got it with a rocking stand as well :) Ordered it on the 24th of March and it was delivered within a week. Pressie from mum :) It is pretty large and supposed to last up to 6 months. Hopefully Baby will actually sleep in it! Here's some pics of hubby assembling the stand:

Sunday 25 March 2012

Baby's first few outfits!

Bought from Mothercare on 31/01/12 with mum, after the 12 week scan. Suitable for a boy or girl! :-) 

Mum bought this recently, the knitted booties are super cute!!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Feeling Movements...

Something I was waiting for... I finally properly felt the BABY! :-D I would describe it as little ripples or jabs (very slight) which I definitely haven't felt before. It happened on Monday (05/03/2012) at my desk at work around midday, after I had eaten a bowl of porridge with bananas.(guess he/she liked it!)

I have felt something before (as in my previous post) but afterwards I always become unsure that it wasn't actually baby........maybe just stomach grumblings or something! This time I am a bit more sure as I haven't felt it before and also it was on my left side only (and we know by now that the baby likes to hang out there!)

You know you are pregnant when.... trek to the grocery store in the rain cos you absolutely must have some chocolate chip brioche!!!! :s

Saturday 3 March 2012

Baby's big breakfast!

Had the yummiest breakfast today! I can't eat runny eggs unfortunately as there is a risk of salmonella to the baby but it was still rather delish! mmmmmmmm. All washed down with a mug of hot tea :-)

Eggs, cheese, beans (muffins to follow)

Friday 2 March 2012

An eventful weekend

Last Sunday (26/02/12) we had some family friends round for lunch. They hadn't been able to make it to the wedding so came to say their congrats. Woke up in a rush as we had all been out late the night before; we went to Tayyabs in East London to celebrate Dan's birthday. It was that evening in the car after dinner,we were going to Leicester Square and I def felt something! It was all of a sudden and felt like bubbles. I've felt flutters on one other occasion as well but I wasn't sure! But these bubbles def felt different. Sadly I haven't felt them since! Baby's gone quiet...
On the Sunday we had a bit of a scare cos we thought my waters were breaking! NHS Direct was pretty useless and told me to go to the hospital to have a check up. Dad was sure it was nothing and asked Irshad uncle as well who said it was all normal. Anyhoo went to hospital the next day to check everything was okay. Alhumdulilah all was good although it seems my bladder is a bit on the weak side! When the midwife found baby's heartbeat I couldn't help grinning, cheesy as it sounds! Looked over at hubby and he was smiling too! It's a lovely familiar sound now mashallah. So all is good! And I just have food on the mind right now! Had an amazing burrito for Lunch with Dan and then some spaghetti. Wondering what mum has cooked for dinner :)

Saturday 18 February 2012

Baby's first scan picture

Picture from the first scan we had! I was around 10 weeks here. The scan took place at a clinic called Ultrasound Direct near Gatwick... it was an amazing moment! :-)

Thursday 9 February 2012

Train musings

Today I'm 14th weeks! Although it seems to be going v slowly and I'm really impatient to meet the lil one iA! I wonder if it's a boy or a girl? At first I wanted a boy because I have an old fashioned idea of my kids having an older  brother to protect them. However upon reading a verse in the Quran I am now eagerly anticipating a healthy girl or boy, whoever Allah wills :)

'To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. He bestows female (offspring) upon whom He wills, and bestows male (offspring) upon whom He wills. Or He bestows both males and females, and He renders barren whom He wills. Verily, He is the All-Knower and is Able to do all things.' (42: 49-50)

Me and hubby were trying to guess from the 12 week Scan pictures but we were totally clueless! I feel more full of energy today. Let's hope it lasts. Have bought some pasta for lunch (made by hubby) and my usual obsession Quavers! Although I think I am going off them now! I bought some pretzels yesterday and prefer them at the mo. Hmmmm... I've totally gone off sweet stuff since December however i am getting better. I managed to polish off 2 slices of viccy sponge last night when mum came round. :) yet I still have big cravings for savoury. No banoffee pies for me just yet! Makes a big change for me as hubby will sadly confirm! When we went to Turkey I was eating baklava by the bucket load! Baby seems fairly quiet at the moment! Although the other night B gave me a big cramp when I was trying to sleep! I don't mind as it is a sign all is growing as it should. But I do wish B would pick his growing moments better!  I haven't been sick since 01 Feb which is amazing. Although I still feel queasy most of the time but def much better. The sickness from December onwards was a nightmare! It was mostly in the morning. Twice I was sick on Fleet st as I walked up to wrk. The train journeys were the worst; they made me feel more nauseous. I was also v exhausted all the time and would fall asleep on the sofa by 9pm almost every night. That has improved also but tiredness still comes quickly. All this really makes me aware of the status of parents as Allah has stated in the Quran... these verses actually make me well up! :'( I do truly appreciate my parents however this has given me a different level of appreciation especially now that I know what mum had to go through.

'And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in two years give thanks to Me and to your parents, unto Me is the final destination. (31:14)