Friday 2 March 2012

An eventful weekend

Last Sunday (26/02/12) we had some family friends round for lunch. They hadn't been able to make it to the wedding so came to say their congrats. Woke up in a rush as we had all been out late the night before; we went to Tayyabs in East London to celebrate Dan's birthday. It was that evening in the car after dinner,we were going to Leicester Square and I def felt something! It was all of a sudden and felt like bubbles. I've felt flutters on one other occasion as well but I wasn't sure! But these bubbles def felt different. Sadly I haven't felt them since! Baby's gone quiet...
On the Sunday we had a bit of a scare cos we thought my waters were breaking! NHS Direct was pretty useless and told me to go to the hospital to have a check up. Dad was sure it was nothing and asked Irshad uncle as well who said it was all normal. Anyhoo went to hospital the next day to check everything was okay. Alhumdulilah all was good although it seems my bladder is a bit on the weak side! When the midwife found baby's heartbeat I couldn't help grinning, cheesy as it sounds! Looked over at hubby and he was smiling too! It's a lovely familiar sound now mashallah. So all is good! And I just have food on the mind right now! Had an amazing burrito for Lunch with Dan and then some spaghetti. Wondering what mum has cooked for dinner :)

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